South Valley White Grinding Corn Seeds


South Valley White Grinding Corn Seeds


 Grind, grind, grind. No we’re not talking about the farming, Photoshop and Word of Warcraft life; we are talking about these beautiful creamy white grinding/flour corn traditionally used for flour, for the GF people in the front, straight from the South Valley of Albuquerque—passed on for years and years. Drought resistant, reaching about 8-10 ft tall, putting on several ears per plant, with fat white kernels, it sure does stun the eyes dried! Can be grounded with mortar and pestle, grinding crank, or even a food processor blending machine (just add a little bit of water!)        

  —Plant after last frost—when soil has been warmed up—don’t start them as transplants as roots are sensitive and like the full in ground experience.                                 - Plant seeds 1 inch deep, every 1.5 ft and it is very important to plant 3 to 4 rows next to each other for proper pollination or in a pagan shaped block.                     - Keep these rows about 3ft apart—just enough room to maneuver in with to harvest these flour heads in about 100 days. Soak in water for 24 hours before, if you want an earlier jump, but that is just another suggestion. -Germinates in 10-14 days. Be sure to scratch in high level of nitrogen fertilizer like bat guano or apply some fish emulsion as they are big feeders.                       Minimum 25 seeds.

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