Red Boar Tomato Seeds


Red Boar Tomato Seeds

INT. PUGGLE TRAP HOUSE — NIGHT                                             

 Packaging at Space Dog Farms becomes hostile when the remote to the television can’t be found. The TV is stuck to Discovery Channel’s special on boars (more wild pigs) and the Food Channel’s special on culinary medium size 3-4 ounce red/gold/light orange stripped tomatoes. 

                                                  Seed Packer                                                      Lunabear! WTF, I’m trying to watch Sunday Night Football. I know that’s not your last night. Why does this screen showing a crudely Photoshopped tomato/boar/tv logos/ and yourself?

Lunabear, puggle, 13, stops furiously itching herself. It’s been a long night on the sled, pushing packs and just plopped herself on the sofa.  

                                       Lunabear                                                                      Bro, I’ve been at Brad Gates from Wild Board Farms and he gave me this crazy VHS of his tomatoes. It isn’t even TV bro. Look at those pixels, those are def. an indeterminate, soft, sweet, and tangy. Bro, find your own remote, pause, and bring my Kong and some learn. I’m done helping you type!

End Scene.


- The above grow information was formatted way better on the seed packet, fyi, but we liked to start all of our tomatoes indoors (best with heat mat but warm bright area is fine) a month before last frost—in a container at least 6” deep. Just make sure to keep until strong lighting to make sure these indeterminate tomatoes from getting too lanky.                                             - Germinates in 12-14 days, feel free to pitch script to Amazon or HBO.                                                                                            - Transplant outside in area with full sun, when at least 4” tall, after all danger of frost -has passed. -Mix in some bat guano/organic fertilizer when planting. Mature sure soil doesn't get saturated—when in doubt let it dry out—scratch in some organic fertilizer weekly and pinch early flowers for maximum yield.             Minimum 25 seeds. 






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