Purple Tomatillo Seeds


Purple Tomatillo Seeds


Breaking news: This has now been rewarded the 2023 Best Tomatillo at the New Mexico State Fair. We would like to thank the soil, purple, and puggles out there that are living the best life - thank you

Wait. Are you saying this is a low quality or one of your favorite photoshops?

Well, hold the rotate control tool and check out these unique golf-ball-ish sized light turning to strong purple tomatillos (husk tomatoes)These aren’t your basic co-op tomatillos - these are a little bit sweeter, takes a little bit longer, sprawls out a little bit shorter but treats your eyes much better fruit.

We like to start them just like our tomatoes - as transplants and planting outside after the danger of last frost. We like using heating mats to quicken germination but can be done without them. Plant 1/4” deep in soft soil - no bark if you can - in a container that least 5” deep and should germinate in 6-10 days when kept consistently moist.

Transplant outdoors when about a foot tall, 3ft apart- pull of flower to stimulate vegetative growth if they are starting early. Plant deep (stalk can be covered 1/2 way deep. It is crucial to plant at least 2, even better if it is more tomatillo plants near each other to ensure the blooms are pollinated. There will be a tremendous amount of small blooms but if you just have one it will never come to fruition (trust us - we failed by planting a single one).

These take awhile around 100 days to form full fruits - you will know when there you can feel a firm sphere inside the husk. Harvest often to promote more fruit. We let them sprawl out (but you can trelis them (we haven’t tried it) but try to water directly at the base to prevent too much water on the blooms. Thrives in full sun. Fertilize at least once every 2 weeks after planted with bat guano and bone meal. Minimum 35 seeds.

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