Mango Chilly Cannabis Seeds (Feminized)


Mango Chilly Cannabis Seeds (Feminized)


Milady, tips jungle cap and slices another mango and fill up the gas tank. What. That’s what you get when you the first line of feminized seeds from Space Dog Farms. We bred the Mango Chilly—with a cut of our (granddaddy purple x mango) x (purple tangie chill x malt chill) with our (wedding cake x tangieland x malt chill) and reserved the female to create this gassy, trichome heavy hybrid. So, thank you breeders before us to build up your hard work and infuse our lines with our acclaimed - 32% test Malt Chill (maltezerz x island chill). With so much different ways to grow the plant, we highly recommend reading up online on light cycles, pruning, nutrient lines, harvesting, etc. Note: We have noticed it does tent to “foxtail” on lower flower which is a changes the nug shapes to a fox tail shape but nugs up in a different shape, does change quality!

  • . In the mean time: we suggest starting these seeds in between moist paper towels in zip lock bags for quicker germination (4-5 days) and transplanting it into Fox Farm Ocean Forest —or another high quality potting soil—don’t skimp! When tap root has reached 1/4” long—germinating in 7-10 days. Spray/flick water (don’t over saturate but enough to keep the roots wet while it gets deeper). Once 4 leaves have set—we high recommend light feedings of organic nutrients (liquid or top dressing) - we like bat guano but there is a plethora of concoctions throughout growth. Flowers in 65 days—after finish vegetative growth. Great with mango sherbet and chilling in the jungle—12 feminized souvenir seeds.

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