Brussel Sprout 'Long Island' Seeds


Brussel Sprout 'Long Island' Seeds


Do you know what’s hot right now? Besides climate change? Or too much propane?

Frigging brussel sprouts cooked the “right way”. You can do the bland soggy boil with salt, but there is so much more you can cook it. Such as cutting it in half. Creating a Thai sauce to marinate - mint/cilantro, brown sugar or maple syrup for our Vermont friends and a big eh you can do it to our Canadians in the back, soy sauce drizzled on and baked at 420F. Make sure its crispy and turn it on its sides and with dip with Thai dipping sauce. Hmmm. Did someone say copy right?

We would never tell you what to do, but we’d ask.

These huge stalks can be picked throughout fall and even try the collard like leaves (we’ve tried them you won’t die) or cut down the whole stalk to take to market.

  • Start indoor then transplant - if you can

  • About 2ft tall, with 1/2 inch heads

  • 100 days from seed

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